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We encourage our customers to continue to protect their homes through our annual maintenance plan. ​Log homes stay in their best condition for the longest when regularly maintained.


This causes many log homeowners to worry about the maintenance of their homes: How often do I re-stain? What do I do before re-staining?


Eco Blast of the Bighorns will take care of your maintenance because we care about your peace of mind and the quality preservation of your homes.

Maintenance Program

Prevention is the key to maintaining and protecting the health and beauty of your log home. We recommend that you clean and inspect your home every year.


Stain warranties may require a certain degree of upkeep over the years. Removing dirt, pollen, and other buildup accumulating over the seasons ensures your home stays beautiful for years. It also helps you spot problems before they become overwhelming and repair them.


Regular maintenance includes lightly washing the log home’s exterior yearly or twice yearly in the spring and fall. Stain or clear coats should also be touched up as needed to keep your logs protected and save you from costly restorations down the road.


In conjunction with annual log home maintenance, decks can also be re-stained to keep moisture and insects out and prevent fading and cracking due to UV radiation.


We can set you up for an annual cleaning and inspection. 

Our Annual Maintenance package includes:

  • Full inspection of the logs, chinking and caulking.

  • Washing the home with a cleaning solution.

  • Touch up stain/chinking/caulking as needed.

  • Provide a written report explaining any issue(s) the homeowner should address.

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